Water-Flow Analysis

By Advanced Satellite technology 

A thorough water flow analysis is vital for designing an efficient gutter system. It takes into account roof characteristics and local rainfall data to predict water volume, aiding in the design of a system that minimizes overflow risks and damage. This analysis also helps identify areas needing special attention or extra downspouts. Without it, the gutter system could underperform, leading to potential structure-compromising water issues.

Analysis Using Advanced Aerial Imagery Technology

In our commitment to providing the most efficient gutter systems, we utilize advanced aerial imagery technology to conduct comprehensive water flow analyses. This innovative approach allows us to accurately assess the water drainage needs of a property and design gutter systems that meet those specific requirements.


The process begins with using high-resolution aerial images captured of the property. This was done using sophisticated imaging technology mounted on aircraft that fly over the area. These images provide a detailed view of the roof's structure, including its size, shape, pitch, and the number and location of downspouts.

Next, they analyze these images using powerful software that can accurately calculate the surface area of the roof. This is a crucial step as the roof's surface area directly affects the volume of rainwater that the gutter system needs to handle. The larger the surface area, the greater the volume of water that will be collected during rainfall.

Once we have determined the roof's surface area, we can calculate the amount of rainwater that the gutter system will need to manage. This is done by combining the surface area data with local rainfall intensity data, which gives us an estimate of the maximum volume of water that the gutters will need to handle at any given time.


Utilizing advanced aerial imagery for water flow analysis offers notable advantages. It eliminates the need for error-prone manual measurements, enabling precise calculations for correctly sizing the gutter system. Furthermore, it provides insightful data to pinpoint potential issues, like roof areas requiring extra downspouts, enhancing our customer-centric, quality solutions.


By utilizing advanced aerial imagery technology, we can conduct a thorough water flow analysis that ensures our gutter systems are designed and installed to meet the specific needs of each property. This approach is just one of the ways that we are leveraging technology to provide our clients with the best possible service.